1 dzień / 207 mile / 5 godzin 50 minut
Join me for a full day of riding, with a visit to a local famed motorcycle dealership and museum along the way. This ride will feature river views, windmills near Rio Vista, the beautiful single-lane back country near Mt. Diablo, and regular rest breaks about every hour. We'll grab lunch at a nice little Mediterranean cafe in Dublin.
Total miles on the planned route ~217.
Meet at 7:45 for the mandatory pre-ride meeting. (A little earlier if you would like to grab a hot beverage before we go.) KSU no later than 8:00 AM. We will likely arrive back in the Freeport area around 5:30PM.
Bob K.
BobInne podróże
Dzień 1
8:00 - 42.6 mile / 58 minut - 9:00
9:20 - 33.3 mile / 46 minut - 10:10
10:30 - 32.7 mile / 50 minut - 11:21
12:21 - 2.6 mile / 7 minut - 12:30
13:15 - 23.3 mile / 51 minut - 14:09
14:29 - 31.3 mile / 55 minut - 15:26
15:36 - 41.4 mile / godzina 20 minut - 16:59