Eurasia 2023 V11 2/25/2023

257 dni / 86574 km / 132 godziny 35 minut

This trip will take me throughout Asia during the winter and fall then through the Balkans as well as Eastern Europe during the summer. Afterwards I plan to live in Eastern Europe for a few months to progress my goals. I’ll have the opportunity to check off my sailboat life bucket list item nearing the fall with a Greek island sailboat liveaboard experience.

When I travel I like to implement my knowledge and skills in the environments around me. This trip will provide countless opportunities for me to cultivate and master my skills so they are adaptable where I can insert myself into any culture or place in the world. Another benefit of traveling worldwide is it allows me to refine my ability to understand and speak multiple languages in full immersion environments.

After seeing the itinerary, this next coming year is essentially a college year of studying abroad and my educational goals are adapted respectively. This trip I aim to complete my OSCP, another Offensive Security certification, and other advanced certifications in the cybersecurity hacking niche.

Due to the nature of travel it’s the perfect opportunity to meet new people as well as cultivate the relationships with those who know me already. I will aim to connect or cultivate well networked, positive energy, confident, and successful people that will assist me with implementing my life goal and become lifelong friends in the process. I also want to meet others who consider the world a global amusement park and have the ability and means to meet anywhere in the world as if they were locals.

My business goals are to make a substancial amount of income from a hyprid of delegated automation for bug bounty hunting, application development, consulting, University teaching, and technology supply contracts.

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